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Coaching Programme: One-to-one coaching + video workshops

Create your marketing Unfair Advantage in 3 weeks

Confidently create your B2B marketing strategy (including Positioning, Value Proposition, Segmentation, Brand Strategy, Messaging and a Marketing Plan)

During the coaching programme, you will...

Understand your buyers
You'll discover the Jobs to be Done of your target buyers. You'll discover their market Alternatives and Workarounds and how these may impact the sales of your product/service.
Understand your value
You'll discover the 'New Thing' you've invented, how it delivers value to buyers, and how to describe it. You'll craft the right Value Proposition for each target Segment.
Create your marketing plan
Bring all your insights together to create a simple and executable Marketing Plan, complete with a standout Positioning and provocative Messaging.

The common questions this programme answers

“How can we beat incumbents?

“How can we stand out from the competition?”

“How can we be more efficient with the marketing we do?”

“How can we deliver on our growth promises?”

Course Fee

3 weeks duration

Create your Positioning, Messaging and a Marketing Plan with our comprehensive online coaching programme, “Your Marketing Unfair Advantage”



per company

NB Taxes are not included.*

20 years of experience in one efficient programme

Designed by seasoned marketing agency founders and venture partners, this course equips B2B CMOs, founders and entrepreneurs with the tools and strategies needed to become differentiated, communicate in a clear way and create alignment for sales and marketing teams. 

Through a structured, evidence-based approach, you will develop a powerful new market positioning, create compelling value propositions, and craft go-to-market strategies that attract customers, partners and investors.


How it works

This is a hybrid online coaching and training programme: a series of efficient workshops and plenty of one to one calls to hold your hand through the process.

You will work with Martin Bailie, Strategy Director at Elysian Fields directly to create a new positioning and marketing strategy for your B2B business.

How we will support you

Always there for you

Join the Slack channel and get help any time you need it

We'll present with you

We'll co-present the outcome (marketing plan, positioning, messaging) to your team if required

A simple process

Create your marketing Unfair Advantage in simple steps

Quarterly check-ins

We want you to succeed. We'll help with execution and ensuring your plan is working

Who this programme is for

This coaching programme is ideal for B2B startup founders, CMOs, Marketing Directors, and tech entrepreneurs.

They work in B2B businesses with revenue who are seeking to scale sales through ‘top of funnel’ marketing. They need to create clear messaging, bold marketing activity and to align teams around validated buyer insights.

Whether you’re preparing for fundraising, seeking to optimise your go-to-market strategy, or aiming to scale your business in a systemised way, this programme provides the strategy, insights and best practice methods to create a marketing Unfair Advantage: a simple, provocative positioning and easy to execute marketing that supports sales outreach.

Create your marketing Unfair Advantage in 3 weeks

Enroll to our comprehensive online coaching programme and create your Positioning, Messaging and a Marketing Plan today!

"The team helped us develop a differentiated positioning and go-to-market plan that has driven significant enterprise sales growth."
Ton Van 't Noordende
Managing Director, QDNL Participations



Buyer insight

Capture Jobs to the Done and other insights to power sales and product innovation


Market positioning

Develop a compelling market positioning and segmentation to support your Sales activity


Value proposition

Create differentiated value propositions for each target audience


Go-to-market plan

Formulate a robust go-to-market plan, ready for your team to execute it


Scalable marketing

Learn how to build a scalable, marketing ‘growth machine’ to support your sales activity

Course Fee

3 weeks duration

Create your Positioning, Messaging and a Marketing Plan with our comprehensive online coaching programme, “Your Marketing Unfair Advantage”



per company

NB Taxes are not included.*

"I cannot recommend EF and Martin and Noah enough. Throughout the entire process they have been just phenomenal in their methodology, facilitation of workshops, strategic clarity and well-thought through, actionable outcomes.

Working with EF not only laid the groundwork for refining our value proposition, but also for updating our vision and mission to align all of the company, from product strategy to customer service, to the same overall objective. We have seen it resonate very well with the market, and I am sure we would not have been able to get it to the right level without the involvement and recommendations from EF."
Anja Saddock
Trustrace sustainability data SAAS

What you’ll create in the coaching programme

Your Vision and
Commercial Plan


Segmentation and
Market Analysis



Growth and Scaling

Create your marketing Unfair Advantage in 3 weeks

Enroll to our comprehensive online coaching programme and create your Positioning, Messaging and a Marketing Plan today!

Course Structure

Time investment from you: 9-10 hours (5h of video workshops, ~5h of preparation)

One-to-one time with your coach: 8 hours over three weeks

Total time investment: 18 hours over three weeks

Deliverable: Your coach will be up to speed on your business and your sector ready for the collaborative sessions

Online training and template completion (1 hour)

Coach time investment (1 hour)

Deliverable: Clarity on where you’re going, what you stand for, and how you intend to achieve your goals

Online training and template completion (1 hour)

Coach time investment (1 hour)

Deliverable: Capture insights on Jobs to be Done, Pains, Gains and Alternatives for your priority ideal customer’s Buying Journey

Online training and template completion (2 hours)

Coach time investment (2 hours)

NB. Often primary research is required at this stage. We will coach you on conducting buyer interviews and analysing the information you capture.

Deliverable: A new framing of your product so you can become newsworthy and stand out in the market

Online training and template completion (1 hour)

Coaching session (1 hour)

Deliverable: Choose a competitive strategy and agree a Positioning, Provocative Point of View for messaging, a brand Personality and Tone of Voice

Online training and template completion (2 hour)

Coaching session (1 hour)

Deliverable: Create a comprehensive document with your Segmentation, Buying Journey, Positioning, Messaging and Brand personality. Ready to brief marketing agencies or designers.

Online training and template completion (1 hour)

Coaching session (1 hour)

Deliverable: Use the templates to create your Marketing Plan using all the work to date. Receive training on how to assemble a marketing team and execute your plan.

Online training and template completion (2 hour)

Coaching session (1 hour)

Course Fee

3 weeks duration

Create your Positioning, Messaging and a Marketing Plan with our comprehensive online coaching programme, “Your Marketing Unfair Advantage”



per company

NB Taxes are not included.*

Meet Your Instructors

Experienced digital product and brand strategist with 20 years experience in the marketing industry as a Chief Strategy Officer, innovation lead and Chief Marketing Officer.

Co-founder of award-winning digital agency Glue London (sold to Dentsu Inc)

Built new B2B and B2C digital brands and created global integrated marketing for most categories (from financial services to luxury and CPG) resulting in Cannes Lions and industry effectiveness awards. 

Ran a design sprint lab and partnered with progressive CEOs to help them become fast, testing-obsessed and innovative digital businesses.

Wrote the Institute of Direct Marketing course on Digital Marketing.

Co-founded and raised venture funding for a tech startup in the MarTech space.

Acted as interim CMO for two high growth D2C brands.

Ran a consultancy practice to help agency networks become more digitally capable, profitable and consistently innovative.

Fellow of the Institute of Direct Marketing, a former member of the Account Planning Group board and the IPA Strategy Group, a University of Greenwich lecturer and an e-consultancy.com trainer.

Martin Bailie

Co-founder, Chief Strategy Officer

Fergus Hay

Co-founder, CEO
Commercial, investment strategy and leadership
Fergus Hay

Fergus spent 15 years in the world’s leading advertising and marketing agencies with roles as the CEO of Leagas Delaney, and Worldwide Managing Director of Ogilvy & Mather/WPP. He had the privilege of living and working in North America, Asia, Europe and London working with clients such as Uber, Lakestar, Builder.ai, Barclays, Coca-Cola, Unilever and BASF.

In 2020 he founded marketing and fundraising advisory firm Elysian Fields with Martin Bailie.

Fergus has the investor viewpoint as he is a Venture Partner with Blue Lion Global VC, Advisor to Blue Horizon VC/AMG and Board Advisor/IC member for RYSE Health Tech VC. He is also a Judge and Category Chairman for Xtreme Tech Challenge, the world’s largest start up competition.

Fergus is the Chairman of Health tech business DHV Group leading M&A and fundraising, enabling tech enabled care for the elderly and vulnerable.

Fergus holds advisory roles for leading Tech Start Ups including Builder.ai, Soulmachines, Immo Capital, Aptitude

When times permits he is invited as an industry expert and a regular commentator on global tech news for BBC World News, Sky News and NBC Euronews.

Fergus holds an Executive MBA from Stern NYU, London School of Economics and HEC Paris


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