
Topic: Ebook

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Brands are a collection of perceptions in the minds of buyers. When your company's name is mentioned, how do customers react? What initial thoughts arise within them? It’s hard to measure this, let alone craft it. So here’s some guidance for new B2B tech businesses hoping to create an Unfair Advantage with their brand and marketing.

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A long-term messaging strategy is a necessity for any business looking to grow in 2023 and beyond. Long-term strategies take your business to the next level, moving away from short-term firefighting and towards structured scaling. Here are 4 simple tips you can use to produce consistent messaging that works again and again.

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Increased company value is possible only when milestones are met. Too many promises and too little delivery create anxiety for all involved (team and investors alike) and result in down rounds. Here’s a simple approach to milestone planning we use with clients.

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Marketing, like product development, is a process of discovery. You can’t just hope someone will stumble upon your product and purchase it. The only way to have a chance to do that is to run experiments that yield validated insights pointing to where sales can be sustainably generated. Our experts shared valuable insights into how you can run your marketing like product development.

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It’s easy to mess your marketing up.